
Heavy Metal Contamination Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Soil around a Copper Tailing Mine in Western Inner Mongolia

  • 摘要:
    目的 探究铜尾矿周边表层土壤重金属形态特征和污染风险等级,为防治土壤污染提供理论依据。
    方法 以内蒙古自治区西北部某废弃铜尾矿周边土壤为研究对象,共采集50份土壤样品。运用单因子污染指数、地累计污染指数、潜在生态风险指数及人体健康风险评价模型分析重金属铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、砷(As)、铅(Pb)及镉(Cd)的污染水平;结合重金属形态,利用生态风险指数法和次生相原生相分布比值法评估重金属的生物有效性以及迁移风险,并分析重金属的来源和重金属污染的影响因素。
    结果 ①重金属Cu、Zn、As和Cd未超出GB 15618—2018《土壤环境质量农用地污染风险管控标准》风险管制值,仅有一个采样点Pb含量(448.02 mg kg−1)超过风险管制值;Cu、As、Pb和Cd分别有32、17、15和3个点位重金属含量超过风险筛选值,Zn不超标。②土壤Cu和Pb污染较严重,Zn污染程度最低。污染物生物有效性处于低风险和无风险范围。土壤重金属存在迁移风险,表层土壤65%的采样点As污染具有高迁移风险。土壤中铁锰氧化态(F3)和交换态(F1)的增加是主要原因。③As、Pb及Cd是威胁人体健康的主要污染物,儿童健康风险高于成人。④研究区重金属污染几乎都源于尾矿释放。
    结论 研究区重金属含量不同程度超出风险筛选值,需进行调控;属中等污染水平,是尾矿长期堆放所致,需减少在该研究区内的牧业生产活动。


    Objective To provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution from copper tailings, the morphological characteristics of heavy metals in the surface soil around it and the risk level of pollution were investigated.
    Methods A total of 50 soil samples were collected from the soil around a copper tailing mine in northwestern Inner Mongolia. The pollution levels of heavy metals Cu, Zn, As, Pb and Cd were analyzed by single factor pollution index, local cumulative pollution index, potential ecological risk index and human health risk assessment model. The ecological risk index method and the secondary phase primary phase distribution ratio method were employed to assess the biological effectiveness of heavy metals and the risk of migration in conjunction with heavy metal morphology to briefly explore the sources of heavy metals and the influencing factors of heavy metal pollution.
    Results ① The content of heavy metals Cu, Zn, As, Cd did not exceed the risk control value of GB 15618-2018, while the content of Pb (448.02 mg·kg−1) exceeded the risk control value at only one sampling point. Cu, As, Pb and Cd exceeded the risk screening value at 32, 17, 15 and 3 points respectively, while Zn did not exceed the standard. ② Zn has the lowest level of contamination, but the contamination of soil by Cu and Pb is a cause for alarm. The increase of Fe-Mn oxidation state (F3) and exchange state (F1) in the soil is the main factor why the biological effectiveness of heavy metals is in the low and no risk range and 65% of As pollution in surface soil has high migration risk. ③ As, Pb and Cd pose a higher risk to children than adults and were the main pollutants that threaten human health. ④ The pollution of heavy metals in this study is almost entirely released by tailings.
    Conclusions The heavy metals of the study area are the result of long-term tailings stockpiling, which is a moderate level of contamination that exceeds risk screening values to varying degrees and requires regulation and a reduction in pastoral production and livelihoods in this area.


