
Effects of Paenibacillus terrae NK3-4 and Organic Fertilizer on Rice Yield and Rhizosphere Microorganism

  • 摘要:
    目的 为了从土壤微生物反馈角度为土地类芽胞杆菌(Paenibacillus terrae)NK3-4及有机肥在水稻上的应用提供依据。
    方法 设5个处理,分别为常规施肥(F)、NK3-4结合常规施肥(F + NK3-4)、NK3-4结合70%常规施肥量(70%F + NK3-4)及有机肥两个施用量(OF1:2,250 kg hm-2和OF2:4, 500 kg hm-2),进行水稻田间小区试验,于水稻分蘖期采集根际土壤,分析根际微生物群落,测定水稻产量。
    结果 除F处理千粒重高于OF2外,其他处理各产量构成因素F处理与其他处理之间均无显著差异;OF2单位面积穗数较70%F + NK3-4多21.10%,千粒重低8.96%;OF1穗粒数较70%F + NK3-4低19.22%;70%F + NK3-4单位面积穗粒数较F + NK3-4高18.02%;70%F + NK3-4、OF2、F及F + NK3-4间产量差异不显著,但70%F + NK3-4、OF2及F的产量依次较OF1高12.44%、12.14%和11.94%。从门到目层级,根际微生物群落呈F与其他处理相似性越来越低的趋势,至目及其以下层级,F与其他处理均保持最远的聚类关系。70%F + NK3-4对假单胞菌门富集程度最大、数目最多;F + NK3-4对病毒富集程度最大,对广古菌门的一个种富集数目最多;OF1对广古菌门富集程度最高,OF2则对拟杆菌门及厚壁菌门下的少数类群强烈富集。OF2、F + NK3-4及70%F + NK3-4均提高了绿弯菌门丰度;OF2和70%F + NK3-4均提高了绿弯菌门未分类属的丰度,70%F + NK3-4提高了慢生根瘤菌属丰度。
    结论 NK3-4液体菌剂施用与否和有机肥的施用数量影响了水稻产量构成因素、产量及根际微生物群落结构,尤其是70%F + NK3-4及OF2驯化了水稻根际微生物群落,提高了有益菌丰度。结果为以NK3-4和有机物料复配的微生物有机肥开发与应用提供了依据。


    Objective The aims to provided basis for the application of Paenibacillus terrae NK3-4 and organic fertilizer on rice from the perspective of soil microbial feedback,
    Method Five treatments were set up, namely, conventional fertilization (F), NK3-4 combined with conventional fertilization (F + NK3-4), NK3-4 combined with 70% conventional fertilization rate (70%F + NK3-4), and two application levels of organic fertilizer (OF1: 2,250 kg hm-2 and OF2: 4,500 kg hm-2). The rice field plot experiment was carried out, rhizosphere soil was collected at tillering stage of rice, rhizosphere microbial community was analyzed, and rice yield was determined.
    Result There was no significant differences in yield components and yield between treatment F and other treatments, except that 1000-grain weight of F treatment was more than that of OF2. While spike number of OF2 was 21.10% more that of 70%F + NK3-4, and the 1000-grain weight was 8.96% lower. The number of grains per panicle of OF1 was 19.22% lower than that of 70%F + NK3-4. The number of grains per unit area of 70%F + NK3-4 was 18.02% higher than that of F + NK3-4. No significant difference was found in yield among70%F + NK3-4, OF2, F and F + NK3-4, but the yield of 70%F + NK3-4, OF2 and F were 12.44%, 12.14% and 11.94% higher than that of OF1, respectively. Rhizosphere microbial community in F treatment showed a trend of lower and lower similarity from Phylum to Order taxonomic hierarchiers with other treatments, then showed furthest clustering relationship with other treatments at Phylum and its below taxonomic hierarchiers. 70%F + NK3-4 enriched Pseudomaondaota to the greatest extent and the greatest number, while F + NK3-4 enriched viruses to the greatest extent, and enriched a species of Eurygoarchaea to the greatest number. OF1 enriched Euryarchaea to the greatest extent, while OF2 enriched Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes strongly. OF2, F + NK3-4 and 70%F + NK3-4 increased the abundance of Chloroflechina, both OF2 and 70%F + NK3-4 increased the abundance of Chloroflechina unclassified genera, and 70%F + NK3-4 increased the abundance of Bradyrhizobium spp.
    Conclusion  NK3-4 and organic fertilizer differentially affected rice yield components, yield and rhizosphere microbial community structure, especially the 70%F + NK3-4 and OF2 treatment domesticated the rice rhizosphere microbial community with increasing the abundance of beneficial microorganism. The results provided a basis for the application of bio-organic fertilizer prepared by NK3-4 and organic materials.


