
Soil Properties and Enzyme Activities Varied with Seasonal Precipitation During Vegetation Succession in Saline-alkali Grassland in Songnen Plain

  • 摘要:
    目的 松嫩平原是世界三大苏打盐渍土分布区域之一,土壤盐碱化严重影响着松嫩草地生态系统的可持续发展,探讨植被、土壤与季节变化之间的关系有助于揭示盐碱地植被保护与恢复的机理。
    方法 本研究以黑龙江省肇东市周边松嫩盐碱草地为对象,采集了三个植被演替阶段(碱蓬Suaeda glauca、星星草Puccinellia tenuiflora和羊草Leymus chinensis)干季和湿季时的根际土样,测定了其土壤理化性质及酶活性,探讨了不同植被及植被生长季对土壤理化性质的影响。
    结果 与干季相比,湿季时三个植被演替阶段的土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、Ca2 + 和K + 含量及蔗糖酶和脲酶活性均有提高,土壤pH值、电导率、 \textCO_\text3^2- 、Na + \textHCO_\text3^- 含量及过氧化氢酶活性均有下降。主成分分析结果表明,土壤有机质、全氮、pH值、电导率、 \textCO_\text3^2- 和Na + 对土壤理化性质变化具有较强的驱动作用。
    结论 松嫩盐碱草地的土壤理化性质受干湿季节变化和植被演替影响明显,湿季和植被恢复演替有利于土壤环境条件的改善。


    Objective As the major soda-saline soil distribution in the world, the sustainable development of Songnen Plain was seriously inhibited by Salinization. To reveal the mechanisms of vegetation establishment in saline-alkali habitats, the relationship between vegetation, soil and climate was explored.
    Method First, the soils in the rhizosphere of Suaeda glauca, Puccinellia tenuiflora and Leymus chinensis during dry and wet seasons were collected from saline-alkali grassland in Zhaodong, Heilongjiang Province. Subsequently, the soil physicochemical properties and enzyme activities were determined, and the effects of halophyte types-seasons on soil factors were analyzed.
    Result The contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, Ca2 + , K + and activities of sucrase and urease increased in the wet season at three stages. However, the value of pH, electrical conductivity, \textCO_\text3^2- , Na + , \textHCO_\text3^- contents and catalase activities decreased in the wet season. Besides, the principal component analysis indicated that soil organic matter, total nitrogen, pH value, electrical conductivity, \textCO_\text3^2- and Na + contributed significantly to soil properties variations.
    Conclusion The soil factors were significantly affected by the seasonal precipitation and vegetation succession in saline-alkali grassland in Songnen Plain, wet seasons and community succession promoted the restoration of saline-alkali ecology.


