
Effects of Biochar Application on Runoff Generation and Sediment Yield in Karst Yellow Soil Slope under Scouring Flow

  • 摘要:
    目的 揭示生物质炭添加对喀斯特地区黄壤坡面产流产沙的影响。
    方法 通过土槽模拟冲刷试验,设置了四个生物质炭添加率(对照组(CK)、1.25%(BC1)、2.5%(BC2)和5%(BC3))和三个坡度等级(5°、15°和25°),以分析在这些坡度条件下,生物质炭添加对坡面初始产流时间及产流产沙过程的影响。
    结果 相较于对照组,当生物质炭添加率为1.25%和2.5%时,黄壤坡面的初始产流时间明显缩短;而在5%的添加率下,初始产流时间则有所延长。就总产流量和总产沙量而言,不同坡度和生物质炭添加率均能显著提升土壤的入渗能力,从而减少了总产流量(降低了3.05% ~ 13.32%)。此外,坡面总产沙量有所增加,增幅在16.88 ~ 926.79 g h−1之间。黄壤坡面的总径流量与生物质炭添加率呈现线性负相关性。在5°坡度条件下,总产沙量与生物质炭添加率之间呈现指数函数关系;而在15°和25°坡度条件下,二者呈线性关系。方差分析显示,产沙速率在30 min达到稳定后,在5°坡度上,CK与BC3间的产沙速率存在显著差异,但与BC1和BC2间的差异不明显。在15°坡度时, CK与BC2间的产沙速率差异显著;在25°坡度时,添加生物质炭的各处理组与未添加生物质炭的对照组之间均显示出显著差异,且BC1与BC3添加率组间的产沙速率差异显著。这表明,在相同冲刷强度条件下,随着坡度的增加,添加生物质炭产沙速率的增大更为显著。
    结论 在西南喀斯特黄壤坡耕地添加生物质炭在总体上可以增加土壤保水性,减少径流流失;但会有增加土壤流失的风险,而在产沙速率稳定时,在5°坡度上添加1.25%生物质炭能减少水土流失。


    Objective This research was conducted to reveal the effects of biochar application on runoff generation and sediment yield in yellow soil slope of the Karst area.
    Method Taking the yellow soil in the Southwest Karst as the research object, 4 biochar application rates (0%(CK), 1.25%(BC1), 2.5%(BC2), 5%(BC3)) and 3 slope levels (5°) , 15° and 25°), the effects of biochar application rates and slope gradient on the yellow soil slope erosion were studied under souring flow.
    Result Compared with CK, the initial runoff time of the slope was reduced when the biochar application rates were 1.25% and 2.5%, while significantly increased in the application rate of 5%. With different slope gradients, the biochar addition significantly improved the soil infiltration capacity, reducing the total runoff by 3.05% to 13.32%. While the total sediment yield increased significantly, with an increase of 16.88 - 926.79 g h−1. When the slope was 5°, the total sediment yield increased exponentially with the biochar application rates, and increased linearly at the slope of 15° and 25°. The runoff generation rates and sediment yield rates between different treatments reached a stable level at around 20 minutes. The runoff generation rates significantly decreased with the biochar application rates, especially at the slope of 25°, while the sediment yield rates increased.
    Conclusion Adding biochar to the yellow soil slope farmland in Southwestern Karst areas can increase soil infiltration, reducing slope runoff, while increasing the rate and amount of sediment yield to a certain extent. The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the biochar application and the prevention and control of soil erosion in the yellow soil slope farmland of the Southwestern Karst area.


