
A Review on Soil Erosion Characteristics and Control Practice Effect in Coal Mining Areas

  • 摘要: 煤炭是我国的主要能源,也是重要的工业原料,为我国经济发展和中华民族伟大复兴作出了十分重要的贡献。然而,煤炭资源开发利用会严重影响矿区生态环境,产生一系列的生态环境问题。回顾总结国内外煤矿区水土保持研究,对我国煤矿区生态文明建设以及“双碳”目标的实现具有重要意义。本研究介绍了我国煤矿区岩土侵蚀环境组成与危害,分析煤矿区侵蚀环境作用特点以及与自然侵蚀环境的差异,总结排土场平台-边坡系统、煤矸石山和矿区道路等露天开采区域以及井工开采的水土流失特征,从土壤改良措施、植物措施和工程措施等角度归纳煤矿区水土流失防控措施效应,以期为煤矿区土地复垦与生态修复提供有力支撑。提出今后应加强煤矿区侵蚀过程与机理研究,掌握复合营力作用下排土场侵蚀特征,以不断丰富煤矿区水土流失防控措施内涵及效应。


    Abstract: Coal is a main energy and an important industrial raw material in China, which has made a very important contribution to economic development and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. However, the development and utilization of coal resources will seriously affect the ecological environment in the mining areas, resulting in a series of ecological environmental problems. To review and summarize the researches on soil and water conservation in coal mining areas at home and abroad is of great significance to the construction of ecological civilization and the realization of the carbon peak and carbon neutrality (“Double Carbon Targets”) in China. In this paper, the composition and harmfulness of soil and rock erosion environment in coal mining areas was introduced, the characteristics of soil erosion environment and the differences between them and natural erosion environment was analyzed, the soil erosion characteristics for open-pit mining and underground mining was summarized, the control practices’ effects were summarized from the soil improvement measures, vegetation measures and engineering measures. These works could provide strong support for land reclamation and ecological restoration in coal mining areas. The contents of future research include: to strengthen the study of erosion processes and mechanisms in coal mining areas, to research on erosion characteristics of the dump under the action of composite forces, and to enrich the connotation and effects of soil erosion control practices’ effects.


