张 蕾, 张凤荣, 李 超, 靳东升. 土壤侵蚀作用对黄土高原黏化层鉴定和淋溶土分类的影响[J]. 土壤通报, 2021, 52(2): 261 − 268. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2020090702
引用本文: 张 蕾, 张凤荣, 李 超, 靳东升. 土壤侵蚀作用对黄土高原黏化层鉴定和淋溶土分类的影响[J]. 土壤通报, 2021, 52(2): 261 − 268. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2020090702
ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Feng-rong, LI Chao, JIN Dong-sheng. Impact of Soil Erosion on Argic Horizon Identification and Luvisols Classification in the Loess Plateau[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2021, 52(2): 261 − 268. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2020090702
Citation: ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Feng-rong, LI Chao, JIN Dong-sheng. Impact of Soil Erosion on Argic Horizon Identification and Luvisols Classification in the Loess Plateau[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2021, 52(2): 261 − 268. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2020090702


Impact of Soil Erosion on Argic Horizon Identification and Luvisols Classification in the Loess Plateau

  • 摘要: 黏化层是淋溶土的首要诊断标准。一般情况下,黏化层是在长期相对稳定的湿润淋溶条件下形成的。但黏化过程很可能因为气候变化和土壤侵蚀作用而被打断。本文以山西土系调查16个淋溶土剖面为研究对象,通过对各剖面黏化层与上覆下伏层、各剖面间的基本特征及其理化性状分析,探索土壤侵蚀作用对黄土高原黏化层鉴定和淋溶土分类的影响。结果表明:(1)黄土高原16个淋溶土剖面中大多数黏化层与上覆层之间的形态特征过渡明显,胶膜、黏化率、粉黏比以及石灰性强弱等理化性质均表明黏化层主要是淋溶淀积的结果;(2)根据诊断层与诊断特性,将这16个淋溶土剖面进一步分为表蚀铁质干润淋溶土、石化钙积干润淋溶土、简育钙积干润淋溶土和普通简育干润淋溶土等不同亚类;(3)表蚀亚类的黏化率明显低于其他几个亚类,而粉黏比与之相反;(4)依据胶膜存在而被鉴别为黏化层的诊断层是古土壤黏化层受地质剥蚀作用剥蚀后而出露地表的。这一结果与土壤系统分类诊断剖面只限于近地表1.5 m、最多不超过2.0 m深度有关,而如果按土壤地理发生分类,则这些古土壤黏化层会被认定为“红黏土母质”并在土属一级得到反映。


    Abstract: The Argic horizon is a primary diagnostic criterion of Luvisols. In general, the argic horizon is formed due to long-term leaching under humid condition. While the argillic process could be interrupted by climate change and soil erosion. The purpose of this paper was to study the effect of soil erosion on the identification of Argic horizon and classification of Alfisols group. The basic characteristics and physical and chemical properties were analyzed in the sixteen Alfisol profiles with thirty-one argillic horizons in Shanxi Province on the Loess Plateau. The results were showed as following: (1) There was obvious transition of morphological characteristics between Argic horizon (Bt) and its over layers in 16 soil profiles due to illuviation process according to clay film, clay content, slit/clay ratio and the status of lime reaction. (2) About 16 leached soil profiles were classified into several soil subgroups such as Trunic Ferric-Ustic Luvisol, Petro Calcic-Ustic Luvisol, Typic Hapli-Ustic Luvisol, and Calcic Hapli-Ustic Luvisol according to their diagnostic layers and features. (3) The Trunic subgroup had obviously lower clay content than the other subgroups, while it was opposite to the slit/clay ratio. (4) The soil profiles were classified into Alfisols according to argic horizon identified from existence of clay flim, because the paleo-argic horizons were denuded to earth surface. The Chinese Soil Taxonomy classified diagnostic horizons of soil profile according to its material composition near 1.5 m or less than 2 m. The paleo-argic horizons were identified as clay parent material taken as family classification criterion in Soil Genetic Classification system.


