段国秀, 贾小旭, 白 晓, 魏孝荣. 电阻率层析成像法在土壤水文学中的应用−基于CiteSpace的计量分析[J]. 土壤通报, 2021, 52(6): 1447 − 1459. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2021042701
引用本文: 段国秀, 贾小旭, 白 晓, 魏孝荣. 电阻率层析成像法在土壤水文学中的应用−基于CiteSpace的计量分析[J]. 土壤通报, 2021, 52(6): 1447 − 1459. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2021042701
DUAN Guo-xiu, JIA Xiao-xu, BAI Xiao, WEI Xiao-rong. Application and Progress of Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Pedohydrology-Citespace-based Quantitative Analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2021, 52(6): 1447 − 1459. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2021042701
Citation: DUAN Guo-xiu, JIA Xiao-xu, BAI Xiao, WEI Xiao-rong. Application and Progress of Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Pedohydrology-Citespace-based Quantitative Analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2021, 52(6): 1447 − 1459. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2021042701


Application and Progress of Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Pedohydrology-Citespace-based Quantitative Analysis

  • 摘要: 电阻率层析成像法(Electrical Resistivity Tomography, ERT)已被广泛用于土壤水文过程研究,充分了解ERT在土壤水文学中的应用及进展是研究土壤水文过程的关键。利用科技文献挖掘与可视化工具CiteSpace,对从Web of Science数据库核心合集中获取的1992—2020年的717篇论文,从国家机构合作、作者合作与共被引、关键词共现与聚类、关键词突发性检测、文献共被引及聚类和文献突发性检测等六个视角进行分析。结果表明,2000—2010年期间是ERT发展的繁荣时期,ERT技术的发展使得其研究方向从理论向应用转变,研究对象从最初的深层地质勘探向非饱和带水文过程的研究扩展,研究尺度从点尺度向中尺度拓展。ERT在生态水文、农业、地球物理等领域的应用使得其研究方向趋于多元化,在土壤水文过程研究中涉及作物根系吸水、根系对水分的再分配、降雨入渗、优先流和深层土壤水分等。这对于了解地球物理技术-电阻率层析成像法的发展态势具有一定的参考价值。


    Abstract: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) has been widely used in the study of soil hydrological processes. It is crucial to fully understand the application and progress of ERT in soil hydrological processes. Based on statistical analysis and visualization tools, the CiteSpace was used and 717 papers from1992 to 2020 in Web of Science (SCIE) were analyzed to obtain literature visualization, including the national agency cooperation, author’s cited and clustered, keywords co-occurrence, literature cited and burst of Keywords co-occurrence analysis. Results showed that 2000—2010 was the prosperity of the ERT development period, and ERT development resulted in the research content from technology theory to technology application, the research object from the initial study of deep geological exploration to the vadose zone hydrology process extensions, dimensions from the point scale and large scale to the development of the mesoscale. ERT in the field of ecological hydrology, agriculture and geophysical applications tend to diversification. The research of soil hydrology process involves scientific problems, such as water absorption of crop roots, water redistribution by roots, rainfall infiltration, preferential flow, deep soil water, which provides a certain reference value for understanding the development trend of ERT.


